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Why Close Bridge International Academies?

Why Close

Bridge International Academies?

Bridge International Academies is a chain of nursery and primary schools based in Africa & Asia. The chain are a corrupt for-profit business exploiting thousands of poor families.


Over the last 4 months, over 300 former and current employees of Bridge International Academies were asked to share their views on the company. Over 75% believe that Bridge International Academies should be closed in all countries. 


Their reasons are published below: 


Bridge International Academies exploit the worlds poorest people

The company funds some of the worlds richest people (such as Mark Zuckerberg & Bill Gates) by charging people in the worlds poorest regions for basic education. This can cost more than up to 34% of a families monthly income and this doesn't include the cost of extras such as school meals.


Bridge International Academies are profit focused

Many employees believe that the company only has it's own interests at heart as children are regularly sent home if school fees are not paid. Most are annoyed by the company slogan 'knowledge for all' as only those that pay can access their education offering.


Bridge International Academies are operating illegally

Most institutions are not licenced in many countries and fail to follow basic procedures and standards set out by governments. â€‹


Bridge International Academies provide low quality education

Employees raised concern over teacher and educational quality. The company employs untrained community workers as teachers, reading from scripted documents on tablets meaning there is little room for child interaction on subjects. These teachers are not taught how to look after a group of children, putting their safety at risk.​


Bridge International Academies accommodation is dangerous

Teachers fear attending lessons as the company run classes in sub-standard, unsanitary and dangerous accommodation to save money. Children and teachers are required to attend lessons in unfinished and poor quality buildings, potentially risking their lives. Some facilities even lack basic toilets.​​


Bridge International Academies exploit teaching staff

Most teaching staff complain about low pay and very long hours. Many state that they are unable to sustain their own lives as they're under paid and have to work days exceeding 12 hours due to lack of staff. Teachers also experience unfair conditions, with pay deducted for performing incorrectly.


Bridge International Academies teaches inappropriate lessons

Some staff members have stated that content that Bridge International Academies is teaching pupils is not relevant to their education and that material they have been provided is regularly incorrect. Employees also mentioned pornography has been included as part of lesson packs.


Bridge International Academies senior management team waste money​

The company employs a high number of directors that are all paid high wages from money that is taken from poor families. Directors travel around the world regularly for inappropriate and irrelevant reasons. One recently traveled from London to Boston to London to Nairobi to Andhra Pradesh to London for no apparent reason. Little benefit and outcomes came from this trip.


Bridge International Academies has too many offices

Staff raise concerns that the company has headquarters in some on the worlds most expensive cities including Boston and London. Given all of their work is focused in Africa, there is no logical reason why they have located offices outside of this region and this seems like a waste of money and status symbol to many. More jobs for Africans could be created if these were located in Nairobi.


Bridge International Academies has a bad recruitment process​

Many staff commented that the majority of Bridge International Academies senior management team were recruited without going through interview procedures and lack basic knowledge in their fields. IT, PR and HR are led by inexperienced senior leaders, hence there are many complaints from staff about these functions. â€‹


Bridge International Academies is embroiled in controversy

Staff are concerned about the number of controversies that Bridge International Academies has recently been involved in. Many commented on the recent arrest of a Canadian doctoral student, who was in Uganda to research their operations and believe the company is trying to hide something. Many are concerned that the company does not have a handle on its public relations and that it needs better leadership in this area.


Bridge International Academies is unethical to staff

Employees believe that the company does not care about their commitment and that the company's Human Resources function is inefficient. Little has been done about concerns raised over low wages, long hours, lack of training, poor benefits, bad communication and engagement between staff and senior teams, poor and disrespectful leadership, excessive workloads, unnecessary policies and lack of progression opportunities, which have left staff feeling disgruntled.​


Bridge International Academies lies to its customers

Many believe that Bridge International Academies needs to be stopped from their unethical approach to education. Thousands of poor families are believe that children will receive high quality education that will make a difference to their lives. Staff do not share this belief. 


This is an immoral company that has been set up to line the pockets of investors, directors and the senior team.


Watch Education International's video on profiting from the poor:




















Negative Press about Bridge International Academies
Support Bridge International Academies Closure
Support Closure

Bridge International Academies have received huge amounts of negative press in recent months for reputable media, government, professional and charity organisations. 

Click to find out more.

Add your voice by signing our petition to close all Bridge International Academies. You will be supporting the fight for free and quality education for everyone.

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